Paani is an Assamese Movie, directed by National Award winning director Jadumoni Dutta. The movie is doing good in various festivals around the world including Kolkata, Dhaka etc. The movie stars Aimee Barua, Asha Bordoloi, Bishnu Kharghoria,Atul Pasoni, Himangshu P Das etc. Paani (Thirst) is an attempt to explore between what the system says and what is actually translated into action. The gap between assurance and implementation is a grave danger to the ideals of freedom and democracy. This is the main theme of the movie.
The plot starts with one fine morning; Jitu the dumb lad of Ratanpur village finds Lila the mohurer unloading pipes from the departmental tractor in front of the public library. News spread far and fast that it is only a matter of time water finds its way.
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