Durjon, A new Assamese Film by debutant director Moupran Sarma, being produced by Dr Gunin Basumatary. After watching the film, i have found many positive aspects as well as negative. At first, the story is quite strong. But does a good story necessarily mean a good film? Not at all, Durjon, this romantic film also has that limitation due to its poor script and story-telling. The review published in Asomiya Khabar on 27.10.13 Click Here for the trailer
Durjon,the new movie, Good & Bads !!
Durjon, A new Assamese Film by debutant director Moupran Sarma, being produced by Dr Gunin Basumatary. After watching the film, i have found many positive aspects as well as negative. At first, the story is quite strong. But does a good story necessarily mean a good film? Not at all, Durjon, this romantic film also has that limitation due to its poor script and story-telling. The review published in Asomiya Khabar on 27.10.13 Click Here for the trailer
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